Sunday, 22 March 2009

DW Filming New Round-Up

As you may have noticed, they have released a lot of photographs from Planet Of The Dead recently.

This means a teaser/trailer isn't far behind, my money is on BBC1 on Saturday, at 7pm-ish, but this is a guess! Followed by an article in the Radio Times on transmission week, of course I will have them posted here :)

Filming news - they seem to have finished filming 4:16 a few days early, it was supposed to finish today, they have already started filming 4:17 yesterday , there is only one Doctor Who team filming, so its very unlikely they are filming both episodes simultaneously! We may find the title of 4:16 at the end of Planet Of The Dead too!

There is supposed to be a lot of location filming for 4:17/18, which means its probably set on Earth, so we should have a lot of set photographs and reports! 4:16 was set on an alien planet, so apart from the Dubai filming and some in the Bute tunnel, most was indoors, so not many spoilers!

As always, lots of news to come!

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