Wednesday 25 March 2009

Are the Triovore Cybernetic

HERE’S the first glimpse of Doctor Who’s deadly new villains — the Trivatores.
The half-fly, half-man alien nasties will appear with funnyman Lee Evans and former EastEnders beauty Michelle Ryan in the new Easter special The Planet Of The Dead.

TV Biz hears the new baddies will be among the most lethal yet, as they’re made from the same mould as the dreaded Daleks and psychotic Cybermen.
Our source said: “The Tritovore will rank up there with the Cybermen and Daleks because they’re cybernetic villains.

The Sun have a report about Planet Of The Dead and claim The Trotovore will rank up there with the Cybermen and Daleks because they’re cybernetic villains.

They certainly don't look artificial, but could they be created rather then born or hatched? And what created them? There are supposed to be two alien races in Planet Of The Dead, so did the other race create them? Are they made from the dead of the other race?

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