Sunday 5 July 2009

For more information...

So some of you might be wondering what's going on with the blog at the moment and stuff, for more information just click here and you will be redirected to Combom's site, which was the main victim of Thomas's copying.

I myself was certainly not a fan of this blog, and will probably not update it, I might just leave it alone to never be updated again, but will not be deleting it as I want the posts to be proof.

Thomas, let's say, was a strange person for many reasons. some of them include; Having Multiple Identities (posting on his cbox as chris, mike, john, phil etc.), and another being that he wanted to meet up with some of the regular visitors on Combom's site. Most of them being under age, which is well, yeah....

So that is all, and just to make it clear, Radio Doctor Who will no longer be copying/stealing news posts, let alone, even post news anymore.

And if you make contact with Thomas again, just be careful and don't give out personal details, as he requests...


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